Vincent Limon Vincent Limon

No gossip in the stands.

Hey parents just some things to keep in mind as you are in the stands during games. Always stay positive about the things you say about the players and the coaches. If you don’t have anything good to say about the players, referees or coaches keep to yourself. Also do not gossip or talk about other parents. If you are a christian you should be praying for those parents that may be struggling in there life as they raise there kids. You may not like something that the coach is doing or saying to your child . The best way to handle that is talk to the coach privately in person or on the phone call not a text . The coach will appreciate the call and possibly your input. Remember parent if you hear some other parent gossiping or being negative about someone do not take part in that conversation and if you can let the person know we should not be talking like that about the players or coaches or other parents.

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Vincent Limon Vincent Limon

Blog Post 1

You don’t want to miss our free 5 day challenge for parents with kids in sports. This will give you an idea of what you need to apply in your day to day walk as a parent of kids in sports, especially if you are dealing with stress, worry, no energy, no faith for equipping your children for school, sports and relationships.

Your child’s success in school & sports all starts at home Parents.

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Vincent Limon Vincent Limon

Success for your child school and sports begins at home.

It all begins with an idea.

Hello Parents, Well its time to make changes . For instance are committed to telling your child you love them daily. Thats so important as you raise your children. As your children are young its good time to teach chores like making up there bed before they leave for school. Washing dishes or loading the dish washer. Taking out the trash . These are little things that later on in your Childs life it will make sense to them. You must speak to them about privileges such as playing sports doing extra curricular activities after school are a privilege not a right. They will learn to appreciate them as they grow and they learn to respect the sport they play. As they respect you believe me they will respect the referees or teachers in there class room. Yes this takes time with some kids but you must begin soon not later. I also must add you must begin praying for your child. Praying for there day. praying for there friends that they would have wisdom in choosing friends because you talked to them about that. praying for there education and there teachers. Praying for there sport they play and there coaches and teammates. these are just some things to begin to pray about. ok Parents have a blessed day!

Coach Vince

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Vincent Limon Vincent Limon

Parents are you spending time praying for your children?

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with prayer, seeking God , worshipping God, Bringing God your petitions. We all have petitions. When you spend time to pray set aside time during the morning to spend time with God as you read the Bible or just begin to pray: read these scriptures

James 5:16. Philipians 4:6

  1. Being repentant of any sin in your life reconnect with God ask Jeus to be in your heart for this upcoming day.

  2. Then immediately begin thanking God for all you have from the smallest thing to the greatest thing you have.

  3. Then ask God for His Presence to go with you, your spouse and your children for this day.

  4. Then Ask God for His will to happen in this upcoming day not my desires but your desires God to happen here in my city.

  5. Then ask God to give us a desire to read and understand His Word

  6. Then forgive those who have wronged you to God , asking God to bless those that have hurt you and wronged you. then I you hurt someone that they would forgive me on how I wronged them. ask God to deliver you from evil .

  7. God I pray for your Kingdom to flow through my life this day in Love and in power fill me with your presence that you may receive the glory for all that I do as a parent as a spouse, as a worker.

.After your done praying thank God for how this day will play out.

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Vincent Limon Vincent Limon

Part II Praying for your children

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with prayer. After you have done part one of praying. Now begin to start praying for your children:

  1. Begin praying for your children health and peace of mind during there day.

  2. Pray for there friends and teachers in school That God would help them educate them and protect them.

  3. Pray for there coaches, that the coaches will instruct them on how to act and play on the field and off the field. pray for the coaches family and there work place That God will help them in those areas. Bless there families and marriages.

  4. Pray for your Childs teammates that God would keep and protect each one of them on and off the field. That there would be unity and friendships on the team .

  5. Pray for your Childs safety on the field and at school and around there friends. That God would send angels to protect them at all times.

  6. Pray that your child will have peace of mind and that anxiety can not live around them , that depression can not live around them. Pray for joy and hope to be on there heart during there day and night even as they sleep that they would have peaceful sleep.

  7. Pray that your child would be quick to forgive others and not hold grudges and unforgiveness in there heart against anyone.

  8. Pray that your child will have understanding when it comes to listening to there teachers and that they will be able to remember and recall what they study for all of there test in school.

  9. Pray for Gods Love to be upon your child throughout the day.

  10. Pray that God Can use you to bring up your child in His ways.

    look these up in your bible:

    Psalms 127:3

    Proverbs 20:11

I hope this will guide you and help you as you bring up your children in your home and in Gods house, in school and on the sports field.

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