Success for your child school and sports begins at home.

Hello Parents, Well its time to make changes . For instance are committed to telling your child you love them daily. Thats so important as you raise your children. As your children are young its good time to teach chores like making up there bed before they leave for school. Washing dishes or loading the dish washer. Taking out the trash . These are little things that later on in your Childs life it will make sense to them. You must speak to them about privileges such as playing sports doing extra curricular activities after school are a privilege not a right. They will learn to appreciate them as they grow and they learn to respect the sport they play. As they respect you believe me they will respect the referees or teachers in there class room. Yes this takes time with some kids but you must begin soon not later. I also must add you must begin praying for your child. Praying for there day. praying for there friends that they would have wisdom in choosing friends because you talked to them about that. praying for there education and there teachers. Praying for there sport they play and there coaches and teammates. these are just some things to begin to pray about. ok Parents have a blessed day!

Coach Vince


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Parents are you spending time praying for your children?