Part II Praying for your children

It all begins with prayer. After you have done part one of praying. Now begin to start praying for your children:

  1. Begin praying for your children health and peace of mind during there day.

  2. Pray for there friends and teachers in school That God would help them educate them and protect them.

  3. Pray for there coaches, that the coaches will instruct them on how to act and play on the field and off the field. pray for the coaches family and there work place That God will help them in those areas. Bless there families and marriages.

  4. Pray for your Childs teammates that God would keep and protect each one of them on and off the field. That there would be unity and friendships on the team .

  5. Pray for your Childs safety on the field and at school and around there friends. That God would send angels to protect them at all times.

  6. Pray that your child will have peace of mind and that anxiety can not live around them , that depression can not live around them. Pray for joy and hope to be on there heart during there day and night even as they sleep that they would have peaceful sleep.

  7. Pray that your child would be quick to forgive others and not hold grudges and unforgiveness in there heart against anyone.

  8. Pray that your child will have understanding when it comes to listening to there teachers and that they will be able to remember and recall what they study for all of there test in school.

  9. Pray for Gods Love to be upon your child throughout the day.

  10. Pray that God Can use you to bring up your child in His ways.

    look these up in your bible:

    Psalms 127:3

    Proverbs 20:11

I hope this will guide you and help you as you bring up your children in your home and in Gods house, in school and on the sports field.


Parents are you spending time praying for your children?